Resolved Programming Issues Build 402
Project Number DBA Menu Fix Build Summary
P402 Inventory>Stock Items>History 402.0.0 Added User ID audit to inventory transactions screens systemwide
P402 BOM>Estimated Cost History 402.0.0 New history of estimated cost changes summary and detail screens
P402 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.0.0 Streamlined the cost rollup screen for improved performance and functionality
P402 BOM>Estimated Secondary Costs 402.0.0 New screen to manage your estimated costs for secondary output items
P402 BOM>Estimated Purchase Costs 402.0.0 Significant improvements to screen fuctionality and incorporated new Estimated Cost History screens
P402 Jobs>Setup>Job Costs Default 402.0.0 Added option to update estimated costs at job release
P402 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.0.0 Added option to update estimated costs for NEW status Jobs during Batch Cost Rollup
P402 Jobs>Job Control Panel>Release 402.0.0 Added button to link to Job Inquiry Job Est Cost tab to quickly review costs prior to Job Release
P402-01 BOM>Estimated Subcontract Costs 402.1.0 New screen to manage your estimated costs for subcontract routing sequences
P402-01 BOM>Bill of Manufacturing>Ouputs Tab 402.1.0 Added ability to define standard items as secondary outputs
P402-01 SO Invoices>PO Invoices>Supplier Invoices 402.1.0 Added DBA User ID audit to invoices systemwide
Issue Number DBA Menu Fix Build Summary
DBA-335 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.0.0 Cost Rollup details report does not handle fixed BOM components est costs properly
DBA-336 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.0.0 Allow for the ability to set a manufactured component to a fixed quantity
DBA-404 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.0.0 All fields should use inventory defaults decimal depth preference for cost
DBA-679 BOM>Reports>Costed BOM Report 402.0.0 Cost summary section for secondary output with different quantity than parent had incorrect cost calculation for est cost
DBA-792 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.0.0 Cost rollup does not update items that are only assigned to an archived revision
DBA-857 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.0.0 Component subassembly estimated costs being zeroed when parent item is inactive
DBA-1196 BOM>Bill of Manufacturing 402.0.0 Adding BOM header record extremely slow for large data sets greater than 20000 BOMs
DBA-1582 Purch>PO Invoice 402.0.0 PO Invoice list screen can have mismatch with PO Invoice details under certain conditions
DBA-1604 Inventory>Stock Adjustments 402.0.0 Added DBA User ID audit for all ITEMH inventory transactions
DBA-1610 MRP>MRP Settings 402.0.0 Spare stock field not showing values on the Order Policy screen
DBA-1624 Inventory<Data Views 402.0.0 Added User ID column to inventory transaction data views
DBA-1641 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.0.0 Cost Rollup screen grid details - Total Cost of fixed components incorrect
DBA-1644 BOM>Reports>Costed BOM Report 402.0.0 Costed BOM Report needs to represent fixed components
DBA-1656 BOM>Where Used 402.0.0 Added new tab for Secondary Outputs
DBA-1655 Jobs>Job Control Panel 402.0.0 Job Control Panel search function causes errors when type in too long of a search term
DBA-1663 Jobs>Job Inquiry 402.0.0 New Job Outputs sub tab in Job Inquiry Est Job Cost tab
DBA-1669 Bank>Account Reconciliation 402.0.0 Match selection issue in account reconciliation
DBA-1674 MRP>MRP Settings 402.0.0 Link to BOM screen does not highlight the specific BOM parent item ID
DBA-1675 BOM>Bill of Manufacturing>Ouputs Tab 402.0.0 New BOM Outputs Costs Inquiry screen
DBA-1679 BOM>Bill of Manufacturing 402.0.0 Perform single level auto-rollup with update of BOM routing, components, outputs, or new current revision designation
DBA-1686 Jobs>Jobs Detail Tab 402.0.0 Added button to link to Job Inquiry Job Est Costs from Job details screen
DBA-1690 Jobs>Setup>Job Cost Defaults 402.0.0 Change name from Job Cost Basis to Job Cost Defaults
DBA-1698 BOM>BOM Setup>Process Categories 402.0.0 Primary ID for process categories have a data length difference between tables causing error messages
DBA-1691 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.1.0 Add link to Seconday Outputs Cost Inquiry screen to lower panel of Cost Rollup screen
DBA-1693 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.1.0 Cost Rollup lower panel for primary output can be mislabeled for some data sets
DBA-1694 BOM>Cost Rollup 402.1.0 Cost Rollup lower panel add option for Unit Costs and Total Costs for batch BOMs
DBA-1704 BOM>Bill of Manufacturing>Ouputs Tab 402.1.0 Allow standard items to be defined as secondary outputs in BOMs
DBA-1701 Sales>Sales Orders>Invoices 402.1.0 Added DBA User ID audit to Sales Order Invoices
DBA-1702 Purch>PO Invoices 402.1.0 Added DBA User ID audit to PO Invoices
DBA-1703 AP>Supplier Invoices 402.1.0 Added DBA User ID audit to Supplier Invoices
DBA-1706 Transfer>AP Voucher Transfer 402.1.0 AP Voucher Transfer always uses Supplier Terms instead of terms defined in the PO Invoice screen
DBA-1709 Inventory>Stock Items 402.1.0 Error message when attempting to delete an Item with Est Cost History but no transactional history
DBA-1713 Sales>Sales Orders 402.1.0 Added link to Sales Order Inquiry from Sales Order screen
DBA-1719 Sales>Sales Orders Inquiry 402.1.0 Added column for Tax Code to Sales Order Inquiry Invoices tab