Resolved Programming Issues Build 396
Project Number DBA Menu Fix Build Summary
P396 Help>DBA Help (F1) 396.0.0 F1 screen help now transtiions to web help
P396 MRP>Education>MRP Guide 396.0.0 MRP Guide re-written to reflect emhpasis on Demand Driven MRP
P396 MRP>Education>Videos - MRP Guidelines 396.0.0 New MRP Guidelines video series
P396 Menu>Education 396.0.0 Added Education menu with written guides and videos links to each major menu
P396 Sales>Quotes 396.0.0 Added Quote Date and SO Conversion date to give better clarity for Sales Orders originating from a Quote
P396 Sales>Quotes 396.0.0 Ability to reverse a converted Sales Order back to a Quote if not action has been performed
P396 Sales>Quotes 396.0.0 New Quotes and New SO can copy from either Quotes and Sales Orders
P396 Sales>Data Views>Quotes 396.0.0 New Quote Data view for open quotes as well as reporting on Quote conversion history
P396 BOM>Estimated Purchase Costs 396.0.0 Screen redesign to optimize speed performance
P396 BOM>Estimated Purchase Costs 396.0.0 Added mass update option to establish your estimated cost by the default supplier price record
P396 Sales>Sales Orders>Details 396.0.0 Added popup ultility to demnostrate time to shipment targets for line item requirement date
P396 Sales>Sales Orders>Details 396.0.0 Added expected ship date to SO lines to be used for customer communications
P396 Inventory>Descriptors 396.0.0 Redesiged list screen for performance and added inactive status flag to help manage archive descriptors
P396.1.0 Sales>Late Supply 396.1.0 New Late Supply screen
P396.1.0 Sales>Picking Manager 396.1.0 New Picking Manager screen
P396.1.0 Inventory>Stock Items>Stock Status Inquiy 396.1.0 Added transactions tab to stock status inquiry
P396.2.0 Sales>Education 396.2.0 New education video on managing SO dates
P396.2.0 Sales>SO Inquiry 396.2.0 Added new lookup of Sales Order numbers by Invoice Number
P396.2.0 Sales>SO Inquiry 396.2.0 New SO lookup includes search by Customer PO Number and filter by SO type
P396.2.0 BOM>Routing 396.2.0 New Routing Costs Inquiry
Issue Number DBA Menu Fix Build Summary
DBA-912 Sales>Sales Order Inquiry 396.0.0 Link between SO Inquiry and Sales Orders screen does not work
DBA-907 BOM>Estimated Purchase Costs 396.0.0 Format the 4 unit cost grid columns to always show currency symbol and full decimals
DBA-906 Purch>Purchase Orders 396.0.0 Errors when using Links > Suppliers from PO List
DBA-904 Sales>Order Picking 396.0.0 Re-using a Serial Number resets the SN counter causing errors of duplicated serial numbers
DBA-902 Purch>PO Invoices 396.0.0 PO Invoices list screen shows Transferred Invoices and Un-Transferred Invoices filters in Legacy Financials Mode
DBA-901 Inventory>Data Views 396.0.0 Invalid Class Typecast error when opening menu options
DBA-897 BOM>Bills of Manufacturing 396.0.0 Phantom within Phantom creation possible by changing BOM Type
DBA-894 Sales>Quotes 396.0.0 Links button in Quotes List screen enabled but doesn't work
DBA-893 Jobs>Work Center Schedule 396.0.0 Module Security error in Work Centers > Schedule tab when no jobs in work center
DBA-892 Jobs>Job Control Panel 396.0.0 Module Security error in Job Control Panel > Links when no jobs in Release tab
DBA-885 AR>Customer Statements 396.0.0 Totals from days columns sometimes dropped from Customer Statement when printing for multiple customers
DBA-881 Sales>Sales Inquiry 396.0.0 SO Requirement Date Audit Log for SO Inquiry Events tab
DBA-876 MRP>MRP History 396.0.0 Sort MRP History screen by most recent
DBA-875 Purch>Purchase Orders 396.0.0 Able to delete the DueDate value on the PO Detail line which creates error state
DBA-874 File>User Email Settings 396.0.0  "Socket connection has timed out." email error
DBA-867 Admin>User Setup 396.0.0 Adding Inactive user causes duplication of unique number for DBA User
DBA-864 Inventory>Data Views 396.0.0 Inventory Transactions Lot/Serial data view Characteristic value error - Token Unknown LIKE
DBA-861 Tax>Tax Authorities 396.0.0 Unable to use single quote or backtick within the Tax Authority name
DBA-860 Purch>Purchase Orders 396.0.0 Main Contact Email not being brought into PO from Supplier screen
DBA-859 Sales>Sales Orders>Invoicing 396.0.0 Tab Key on the Sales>Shipping & Invoicing>Invoicing subtab creates blank line
DBA-858 MRP>MRP Settings 396.0.0 MRP Analysis Codes don't save changes to MRP Settings
DBA-854 Inventory>Descriptors 396.0.0 Descriptors need to have Active/Inactive flag and then filter inactive on lookups
DBA-853 Purch>PO Schedule 396.0.0 Output to Printer for PO Schedule uses Dollar Sign on Quantity column
DBA-843 BOM>Process Replace 396.0.0 Process replace output fails to save due to blank filename
DBA-842 MRP>MRP 396.0.0 Screens in MRP appearing behind other screens in MRP inappropriately
DBA-841 BOM>Estimated Purchase Costs 396.0.0 Add update estimated purchase costs by supplier price
DBA-840 Jobs>Job Subcontracting 396.0.0 Changes to Select All button in Job Subcontracting screen to look for material allocation and status
DBA-835 AP>Supplier Invoices 396.0.0 Supplier Invoice screen - Non-active suppliers listed by default when clicking "New"
DBA-834 Jobs>Job Schedule 396.0.0 Job Schedule - Job Search field poor performance with large datasets
DBA-830 AR>Customer Payments 396.0.0 Customer Payment reversal error an unexpected error field '' is of unknown type
DBA-829 Utilities>ID Changes>Item ID Change 396.0.0 Need Pagination, Search, and Output on the Item ID Change
DBA-800 Jobs>Jobs 396.0.0 Job Routing tab doesn't allow right arrow in any field
DBA-796 Sales>Sales Orders 396.0.0 Display Bill To tab on the SO always
DBA-794 Jobs>Reports 396.0.0 Job Transactions report cuts off line item transaction totals
DBA-784 Sales>Data Views 396.0.0 New Quotes Data View
DBA-780 Sales>Sales Orders 396.0.0 Add Expected Ship Date to JOBDETL
DBA-776 BOM>Shop Rates 396.0.0 BOM Shop Rates screen doesn't allow output of information due to no filename
DBA-775 Purch>Purchase Orders 396.0.0 Unknown currency error occurs with "empty" PO
DBA-771 Sales>Sales Orders 396.0.0 Right Arrow Key doesn't work on most Sales Order and Job Fields
DBA-745 Jobs>Data Views 396.0.0 Add estimated vs actual costs to Closed Job Material Usage Data View
DBA-742 Inventory>Inventory Setup>Cycle Count Codes 396.0.0 Add Search function to Cycle Count and MRP Analysis Codes screens
DBA-732 MRP>MRP Setup 396.0.0 No days in Shop Calendar error in Job Schedule - "value exceeds the range for valid dates"
DBA-686 AR>Customer Payments 396.0.0 System Performance - Customer Payment screen
DBA-548 Jobs>Job Receipts 396.0.0 Disable Update button in Job Receipts when Serialized Receipt window open
DBA-536 Sales>Pricing & Discounts>Contract Pricing 396.0.0 Contract Pricing screens keep pricing information after changing type
DBA-930 Inventory > Sales Kits 396.1.0 Remove restrictions on duplicate components in a sales kit
DBA-964 MRP>MRP 396.1.1 CTO Jobs outside planning period are being checked and converted with the "check all" box
DBA-966 MRP>MRP 396.1.1 Review note against CTO item with demand in no action needed window causing an error message
DBA-955 Updates 396.1.1 Added better error handling of code based updates in database updater
DBA-946 MRP>MRP Settings 396.2.0 Output to Printer for MRP Settings uses Dollar Sign on Quantity column
DBA-970 Inventory>Sales Kits 396.2.0 Unable to add CTO Item to Sales Kits
DBA-969 Sales>Sales Orders>Invoicing 396.2.0 Customer Payment reversal is not resetting the visible flag to show on customer statement
DBA-929 AR>Customer Statements 396.2.0 AR Customer Statement added ability to filter out fully paid invoices from customer statement before printing
DBA-963 System Startup 396.2.0 Error during multiple openings of DBA at once - update conflicts with concurrent update for MATCOST
DBA-961 Utilities>User Defined Menus 396.2.0 Redesigned creation of new user defined menus 
DBA-940 Sales>Sales Orders>Details 396.2.0 Cursor focus now on Ref ID when select to add a new line
DBA-931 AR>Customer Payments 396.2.0 Progressive typing lookup not working properly
DBA-873 System Startup 396.2.0 Error at program startup: SQL Error: UPDATE JOBS SET SCUSTNAME = CUSTNAME 
DBA-487 Inventory>Inventory Setup>Locations 396.2.0 Deletion of Location gives inaccurate error message
DBA-677 BOM>Routing>Job Days Inquiry 396.2.0 Ouput to printer dollar sign symbols appear that should not display
DBA-932 Sales>Sales Order Inquiry 396.2.0 In some instances linked job tab for CTO item is not displaying data
DBA-569 Jobs>Job Inquiry 396.2.0 Added stock status inquiry to Job Inquiry screen
DBA-394 Sales>Data Views 396.2.0 Added Warranty Code to SO Invoices data view
DBA-486 Inventory>Inventory Setup>Item Categories 396.2.0 Need to trim trailing/leading spaces from Item Category IDs
DBA-913 Sales>Shipment 396.2.0 Prevent bypass of menu security permissions for Order Picking by using New Shipment button
DBA-922 Sales>Order Picking 396.2.0 Pick List and Dispatch List should use the description from JOBDETL instead of ITEM table
DBA-691 Sales>Sales Orderrs>Details 396.2.0 Cannot search by Customer Part Number in SO line item lookup
DBA-735 GL>General Ledger Setup>Currency Table 396.2.0 United Arab Emeriates Dirham missing from Currrency Table
DBA-886 AR>Data Views 396.2.0 Add Sales Order Number to AR Detail view report
DBA-869 BOM>Process Replace 396.2.0 Add Select All/Deselect All button to Where Used grid in Process Replace screen
DBA-689 Purch>Purchase Orders 396.2.0 Progressive typing of Reference ID not working properly
DBA-797 System Startup 396.2.0 Duplicate CURUSERS records crash startup - multiple records found, but only one was expected
DBA-926 Sales>Sales Orders>Header 396.2.0 Main Contact does not exist as a Customer Contact
DBA778 Sales>Pricing & Discounts>Contract Pricing 396.2.0 Contract Pricing does not paginate properly
DBA-777 Purch>Purchase Orders 396.2.0 Transitioning from PO List to  PO Receipts to PO List - Couldn't perform the edit error message
DBA-819 Jobs>Job Inquiry 396.2.0 Job Inquiry issue with Outputs subtab over/under display on status tab
DBA-652 Utilities>User Defined Menus 396.2.0 Module security issue with User Defined Menus
DBA-326 BOM>Work Centers 396.2.0 Work Center "Where Used" improve output button selection and customization
DBA-839 GL>Reports 396.2.0 Add ability for zero balance accounts to be hidden from financial reports
DBA-909 BOM>Reports 396.2.0 Add BOM parent itemd description to BOM reports lookup
DBA-636 Utilities>Forms Edit 396.2.0 Added field line total with tax to Sales forms
DBA-680 Inventory>Stock Items 396.2.0 Changing P to M item type leaves incorrect data in place
DBA-960 Sales>Picking Manager 396.2.0 Apply menu security check to Order Picking when launched from Picking Manager
DBA-685 Purch>Purchase Orders 396.2.0 Item ID changing during PO entry under some conditions 
DBA-700 Jobs>Job>Routing 396.2.0 Error field 'BOM_ROW_STATE' not found whn replacing a routing sequence in a job
DBA-933 Jobs>Job Control Panel 396.2.0 Links>Job menu does no work in Job Control Panel until after the Job screen is open
DBA-954 Sales>Sales Order 396.2.0 Pressing the SO button to re-open screen does not remember you last saved position
DBA-601 Sales>Order Picking 396.2.0 Inventory Cost on Order Picking and Job Issues frozen at screen opening - must always be real time
DBA-688 Utilties>ID Changes>Work Center ID Change 396.2.0 Foreign key restraint on change Work Center when Process and Name are the same
DBA-464 GL>General Ledger Setup>Account Assignments 396.2.0 Purchasing exceptions in Account Assignments should NOT allow duplicate descriptor IDs
DBA-736 Sales>Sales Orders 396.2.0 No prompt to close when SO list is filtered to only ORDERED status
DBA-891 Utilities>Forms Edit 396.2.0 SCUSTNAME and CONTACT fields need to be added to default Invoice form
DBA-558 Utilities>Forms Edit 396.2.0 Add X-Ref Code to forms from Customer and Supplier
DBA-570 Sales>SO Inquiry 396.2.0 Add stock status button to SO Inquiry screen
DBA-568 File>Data Import>BOM Components 396.2.0 BOM Components Import will fail if there are carriage returns in the Notes field
DBA-567 File>Data Import>BOM Routings 396.2.0 BOM Components Routings will fail if there are carriage returns in the Notes field
DBA-949 Sales>Quotes 396.2.0 Refresh issue In Quotes after you converting sales order back to a quote
DBA-983 Sales>Order Picking 396.2.0 Remove allocation quantity against descriptor lines in Sales Order Picking screen
DBA-942 Jobs>Job Traveler 396.2.0 Non-assigned components not printing when more than one Job Traveler printed
DBA-982 Inventory>Descriptors 396.2.0 Existing descriptor notes being brought into New descriptor creation - refresh issue
DBA-979 Jobs>Job Schedule 396.2.0 Cannot save custom grid format in Job Schedule Output 
DBA-654 Sales>Reports 396.2.0 Sales reports showing job number plus dash instead of Invoice Number
DBA-463 BOM>Cost Rollup 396.2.0 Error in cost rollup when Work Center has single or double quote in Work Center ID name
DBA-304 Jobs>Job Inquiry 396.2.0 Renumbering job routing sequences after transactions "breaks" Job Inquiry routing transactions data
DBA-188 BOM>Routing 396.2.0 Routing Generator does not copy Traveler notes or PO notes
DBA-988 BOM>Work Centers 396.2.0 Adding a new Work Center process with a blank Hours/Process caused invalid vairant error 
DBA-996 BOM>Work Centers 396.2.0 Deleting value from Items/Process field on the Work Center Processes tab causes error
DBA-654 Sales>Reports 396.2.0 Multiple sales reports referencing SO Number instead of Invoice Number 
DBA-1035 AR>Customer Payments 396.2.1 Sales Order auto payment via credit card can get attributed to wrong customer
DBA-1047 DBA Backup Manager 396.2.1 Backup Manager error - Object reference not set to an instance of an object